The term “toilet infection” does not refer to medical terminology, it is a term coined and adopted in Nigeria, which refers to any infection (fungal, bacterial, etc.) of the vagina. A vaginal yeast infection is a fungal infection that causes irritation, discharge, and intense itchiness of the vagina and the vulva. Vaginal yeast infection affects up to 3 out of 4 women at some point in their lifetimes. A mild yeast infection may go away on its own, but this is rare. It is always a good idea to treat a yeast infection, even if it is mild. If yeast infections are not treated properly, they are more likely to return. This double action reduces the itching and burning and restores a healthy balance of yeast and bacteria. Click Here to See The 7 part We Forget to Wash

Several factors can cause a yeast infection, including:
  1. antibiotics (they decrease the amount of Lactobacillus [“good bacteria”] in the vagina)
  2. pregnancy.
  3. uncontrolled diabetes.
  4. weak immune system.
  5. poor eating habits, including a lot of sugary foods.
  6. hormonal imbalance near your menstrual cycle.
  7. stress.
  8. lack of sleep.

Types Of Vagina Infections 

There are many infections of the vagina, the commonest ones are;

Candidiasis: Characterized by milky discharge, itching, soreness, and pain during intercourse.

Trichomoniasis: This is also characterized by grey or milky discharge distinguished by a fishy or pungent smell, pain when urinating, soreness, itching, and inflammation.

Chlamydia vaginitis: This is characterized by the inflammation of the vagina, discharge, and bleeding especially after intercourse.

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Important Facts About Toilet infection

  1. Toilet infection is not limited to women

There is a wrong perception that “toilet infections “ is a feminine disease this is far from the truth, men can easily acquire the infection by simply having sex with an infected woman.

  1. If you love Rice, Spaghetti and Noodles you are at a Higher risk

Research has shown that people who eat carbohydrates rich foods such as rice, noodles, etc. are more susceptible to candidiasis than people who eat protein rich diets.

  1. Asthma Medication May Exacerbate the Condition

Asthma medication such as salbutamol inhalers has been implicated in the causation of candidiasis. A Brazilian study reported that individuals using inhalers for upwards of six months reported candidiasis as one of the adverse effects.

  1. Women are asymptomatic to Some Toilet Infections

As we established earlier “toilet infection” is not restricted to the feminine gender, some diseases affecting the vagina can be transmitted to men. Most women are asymptomatic of chlamydia infection while men manifest symptoms of the disease almost immediately.

  1. Women With Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Are At Higher Risk

A study that evaluated the clinical importance of the detection of bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas vaginitis, candida Albicans, and actinomyces in Papanicolaou smears reported that women using the intrauterine contraceptive device as a form of contraception showed a statistically significant increase in the level of candida infection as compared with women who used other types of contraception and women who do not use a form of contraceptionSee: Can I Take Postinor 2 Twice In A Week


Side Effects of “Toilet Disease”

Infection with candida, trichomonas, and chlamydia can lead to the following effects

Vaginitis: an inflammation of the vagina that can result in pain and cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge.

Skin Eruptions: often appear as red and raw breaks under the breasts, in the groin area, or in the abdominal skin folds of an overweight person.

Nutrient Malabsorption: inability to absorb nutrients from food.

Systemic Candidiasis:  this is a candida infection in the bloodstream a very serious condition that can cause death.

Other side effects of toilet infection include Constipation, severe headaches, hypothyroidism, irritability, diarrhea, colitis, acne, tingling sensations, extreme fatigue, and depression. Click Here to See Gonorrhea: What Sexually Active Men and Women Must know 

What are the symptoms of toilet infection in females?

Toilet infection in women is characterized by the following symptoms;

  • Irritation.
  • Painful Urination.
  • Pain With Sexual Intercourse.
  • Redness.
  • Itching of the genitals and surrounding area
  • Swelling.
  • Milky Vaginal Discharge.
  • Vaginal Itching.
  • Vaginal Pain or Burning.

 How To Treat Toilet Infection

There are several natural remedies for the treatment of toilet infection these include garlic, and douching with vinegar among several others. In general, the standard treatment for toilet diseases upon diagnosis by a physician is the administration of anti-fungal oral medications or vaginal pessaries depending on the form of vaginitis, severity of the condition, duration, and frequency of the toilet infection, as well as on whether a lady is pregnant.

Toilet Infection Q & A

How to treat toilet infection during pregnancy

Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy predispose the pregnant woman to a variety of opportunistic infections including toilet infection (Yeast Infection). Due to the risk of congenital abnormalities, some vaginal creams and suppositories used in the treatment of toilet infections cannot be used during pregnancy. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for guidance on the safest treatment for toilet infection during pregnancy. An untreated toilet or yeast infection can be transmitted to your baby’s mouth during delivery leading to a condition known as “thrush”. CLICK ON THIS LINK  TO  SEE THE NEW SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE DISCOVERED BY SCIENTIST 


toilet infection

Which medicine can I use for toilet infection?

There are several vaginal creams and suppositories used in the treatment of toilet infection the active ingredient in most of these drugs include: Miconazole, Nystatin, Ketoconazole, Clotrimazole, tioconazole, and butoconazole. Most women can treat yeast infections at home with these medications but it is always advised that you avoid self-medication and its attendant consequences by consulting your doctor, pharmacist, or any other qualified medical personnel for guidance.

Can you get a toilet infection from a toilet seat?

Toilet infections and most sexually transmitted infections (STI) are not transmitted via toilet seats. The microorganisms implicated in toilet infection can get onto the toilet seat but are often unable to survive for long after leaving the human body. This explains why toilet disease cannot be transmitted by toilet seats. But can you actually catch a sexually transmitted infection (STI), from a toilet seat? As their name suggests, STIs are most commonly spread through sexual activity, including intercourse, and oral sex, and, in the case of some diseases such as genital warts, and trich direct skin-to-skin contact can result in transmission.  CLICK  ON THIS LINK TO SEE THE SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE THAT CAN NOT BE PREVENTED BY A CONDOM 

Can toilet infection be transmitted sexually?

Several of the infections categorized as toilet infections can be transmitted during sexual intercourse with an infected partner. Infrequently, candidiasis can be transferred between men and women during sex. However, a yeast infection on the penis/foreskin or in the vagina is not considered to be a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Click to See Symptoms of HIV /AIDS 

Which Conditions mimic a yeast/ toilet infection?

Six possible causes of symptoms that may masquerade as yeast infections include Sexually transmitted infections (STDs): Some STDs can cause irritation and present with an itchy discharge and a slight odor. These include trichomoniasis, herpes, and genital warts.

Chlamydia can be mistaken for a vaginal yeast infection. Some conditions that may produce similar signs and symptoms include bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. If yeast infection symptoms are not cured by over-the-counter treatments, see your doctor for evaluation.
Staphylococcus aureus a normal flora can sometimes get inside the body and cause infection. Staph most commonly causes skin infections such as boils and impetigo (school sores) but it also sometimes causes serious infections like septicemia (blood poisoning) and pneumonia. But toilet infection and Staphylococcus infection are not the same. 
To help decrease the chance of developing a vaginal yeast infection, a high level of hygiene must be maintained, Sanitary pads and tampons can also affect the acid balance of the vagina. Avoid the use of vaseline as a vaginal lubricant as it can increase the chances and severity of vaginal yeast infections.
When you have an anal yeast infection, you may experience intense symptoms for a few days followed by milder symptoms. The symptoms are centered around your anus and often include: itchiness.

Natural treatment for toilet infection

There are several natural treatment options for toilet infection as we established earlier these include:

Fresh garlic: Garlic’s natural anti-fungal properties are very effective against candidiasis. If a high dose of garlic, a cut-open garlic clove, is inserted in a healthy vagina, it will often “burn” the healthy skin. When the woman is suffering from an advanced yeast toilet infection, the skin is already red and “burned” and the garlic cures the infection by killing the yeast. Then the skin repairs itself.

Vinegar: One popular yeast infection remedy is an apple cider vinegar bath. A vinegar bath is not the same as vinegar douching, which aims to flush out all bacteria (good and bad) from your vagina. Doing so leaves you more prone to a recurrence of yeast infection. Vinegar should be diluted in water before applying it to the skin. The anti-fungal properties of apple cider vinegar make it a very effective and safe natural remedy to treat toilet infections.

Coconut oil: Another important and very effective natural treatment for toilet infection is coconut oil. Studies have shown that it is effective against Candida albicans, the causative agent of candidiasis. You can treat a toilet infection by applying coconut oil straight from the jar to the affected area. You can rub the coconut oil into the skin or skinfold where the yeast infection is. To treat a yeast infection in the mouth, use 1 to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and swish in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. READ: Does Clove Soaked In Water For Infections Work?

How to Prevent Toilet Infection

There are several ways to prevent these infections we have listed some of the measures here

  1. Good personal hygiene
  2. Avoid the use of dirty and unkempt public conveniences
  3. Avoid sharing underwear
  4. Avoid sharing sanitary objects e.g. shaving sticks
  5. Oral contraceptives use can promote candidiasis
  6. Avoid indiscriminate and unprotected sex
  7. Use a feminine hygiene product regularly
  8. Avoid frequent douching.

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