Tom Brown For Weight Gain

Aside from a slight drop in weight that practically all newborns experience in their first five to seven days of life, healthy infants gradually tick up the scale. And to be sure, baby weight gain varies widely, with most weights considered to be healthy. But when a baby’s weight steadily falls in the percentile chart and not for medical reasons such as digestive disorders or cardiac issues, it may be because they are simply not consuming enough fat.

Consider these general guidelines for infant growth in the first year: From birth to age 6 months, a baby might grow 1/2 to 1 inch (about 1.5 to 2.5 centimeters) a month and gain 5 to 7 ounces (about 140 to 200 grams) a week. Expect your baby to double his or her birth weight by about age 5 months.


What is Tom Brown?

Tom Brown is a thick mixture of yellow corn, millet, guinea corn (cereals), groundnut (peanuts) and soy beans (legumes). it’s one meal that is essential for babies if you want to wean them and want them looking well fed after breast milk. The cereals and legumes add a variety of nutrients beneficial to baby’s good health to the meal. Good nutrition during the first 2 years of life is vital for healthy growth and development. Starting good nutrition practices early can help children develop healthy dietary patterns.


when can i start giving my baby tom brown

When can I start giving my baby tom brown?

Complementary feeding is defined as the process starting when breast milk alone is no longer sufficient to meet the nutritional requirements of infants, and therefore other foods and liquids like tom brown are needed, along with breast milk. WHO recommends that infants start receiving complementary foods at 6 months of age in addition to breast milk. Initially, they should receive complementary foods like tom brown 2–3 times a day between 6–8 months and increase to 3–4 times daily between 9–11 months and 12–24 months. READ : Complimentary Feeding in Nigeria

This cereal is also good for adults who always have busy work schedules and  may have to leave very early in the morning to their place of work. Nowadays, we spend most of our time being static while commuting to the job, sitting at a desk in the office, or relaxing on the couch. If we add the lack of time for exercise, then we get a perfect way to gain weight and live an unbalanced life. After a long day at the office and surviving rush hour traffic, the last thing on your mind is making a healthy meal.  Tommy is just a 5 minutes meal. This will save you time and pack you up with essential nutrients especially if you are on the go. SEE: Is It Safe To Use Distilled Water For Baby Formula


What Makes Tom Brown A Good Weight Gain Food?

Tommy Brown is a good weight gain food because of its composition

  1. Millet: is a whole grain that’s packed with protein, antioxidants, and nutrients. It may have numerous health benefits, such as helping lower your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Plus, it’s gluten-free, making it an excellent choice for people who have celiac disease or follow a gluten-free diet. SEE: Health Benefits and Side Effects of Millet


  1. Guinea corn: This super-food is rich in micronutrients such as vitamins B, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, etc. It not only has a lot of health benefits for adults but also for babies especially. This staple crop is a cereal grain that originated in Africa. In West Africa guinea corn is widely used in complementary feeding of babies and children . People eat it throughout the world. It is especially valuable in arid terrains because of its resistance to drought. Sorghum is a nutrient-rich grain that is often ground into flour. SEE: Health Benefits and Side Effects of Guinea corn


  1. Yellow corn: is a super food which also contains valuable B vitamins, that are important to your overall health. Corn also provides our bodies with essential minerals such as zinc, magnesium, copper, iron and manganese. Corn is a good source of the antioxidants carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, which promote eye health. Corn is a good source of carbohydrate and can contribute to weight gain.


  1. Soybeans: are an exceptional source of essential nutrients, Soybeans contain antioxidants and phytonutrients that are linked to various health benefits. Soymilk is high in proteins, iron, and a variety of vitamins crucial for the healthy development of infants. Soy milk is low in fat, which may help in maintaining healthy body weight in infants. It can further lower the risk of heart issues and child obesity in infants. SEE: Side Effects and Health Benefits of  Soya Beans


  1. Groundnut: Peanuts are as popular as they are healthy. They’re an excellent plant-based source of protein and high in various vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds. Peanut oil is loaded with calories and thus can lead to weight gain. SEE: 10 Good Food That Makes Baby “Fat” in Nigeria


What you can do to increase your baby’s weight gain

There are several simple things that have been proven to help with weight gain:


Stop or decrease solid foods, particularly if baby is younger than 6 months. Most solid foods have fewer calories and nutrients than breast milk, plus they tend to replace (rather than add to) the higher-calorie, more nutritious food like breast milk and tom brown.


Sleep close to your baby (this increases prolactin and frequency of nursing).

Learn baby massage — this has been proven to improve digestion and weight gain. Carry baby throughout the day in a baby carrier; get as much skin to skin contact as you can. Both of these things have been shown to improve weight gain.


Feed or Nurse often – at least every 2 hours during the day and at least once at night. Frequent nursing increases baby’s milk intake. Make sure you’re allowing your baby to completely finish one side before you offer the other by waiting upon her cues that she is finished; i.e. pulling off herself and looking satisfied, going to sleep, changing from an active suck/swallow to more of a pacifier suck, etc.  READ: How to Make a Nutritious Tom brown

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