Krokodil Drug Effects

What Is Krokodil Drug?

Known as crocodile drug because of the scaly appearance gangrenous skin takes on. Krokodil drug is the street name for the Russian homemade desomorphine, a very fast-acting synthetic opioid made from cooking crushed over-counter codeine with paint thinner, gasoline, hydrochloric acid, iodine, and the red phosphorous from matchbox strike pads. Cooked together, these ingredients are used in making the Krokodil drug. These very fast-acting euphoric effects of Krokodil make the substance one of the most used narcotics in eastern Europe. In its pure form, Krokodil also known as krokodil is 10 times stronger than morphine and more potent than heroin according to available data. Some consider krokodil the worst drug in the world. Worse than cocaine, worse than heroin, worse than meth, worse than acid. It even makes crack look appealing according to observers


 uses of krokodil

Uses of Krokodil Drug

Originally developed by Roche, desomorphine was previously used in the treatment of severe pain because it was found to be faster-acting and more effective than morphine for the rapid relief of severe pain. However, the use of desomorphine was discontinued because its administration produced more severe respiratory depression at equianalgesic doses, (a dose of two opioids required to produce the same analgesic effect) as well as a high incidence of other side effects such as hypotension and urinary retention. Krokodil’s origins are amongst Russia’s poorest communities where it arose as a cheap alternative to heroin, a practice that is widespread in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, and Kazakhstan. According to people who have taken it. The drug has approximately the same effects, the same high, as heroin, but for as little as a tenth of the price of heroin. Once injected into the vein, it produces potent sedative and pain-relieving effects in the user begining after 2-3 minutes after injection and lasting for approximately 2 hours.


Health Risks and Side Effects of Krokodil Drughealth risks of krokodil

There are several health risks that accompany the use of the Russian drug krokodil. Krokodil exerts its effect on the brain by slowing down neuron (brain cell) firing and increasing the levels of dopamine a neurotransmitter in the brain released by neurons (nerve cells) to send signals to other nerve cells. The toxic nature of the ingredients used in the manufacture of krokodil often leads to very serious damage to the skin, muscles, bones, and blood vessels, which requires specialized plastic surgery or complete amputation in long-term users of krokodil. The drug literally rots human flesh from the inside out, and in serious users, it isn’t uncommon to see large expanses of exposed bone and muscle. This explains why krokodil is nicknamed the flesh-eater due to the devastating skin effects of krokodil drug before and after use. Other health risks include HIV/AIDS due to multiple uses, sharing of unsterilized needles while injecting krokodil, blood clot or thrombosis, risk of liver damage, risk of kidney damage, risk of brain damage, gangrene, phlebitis, pneumonia, meningitis, and blood infection (septicemia). Also See: 1P-LSD


Side Effects of Krokodil Drug

The flesh-eating side effect of the drug has earned krokodil its other nickname: the zombie drug. The other side effects of the krokodil drug that have been reported by many krokodil users include:

  • Severe respiratory depression (decreased respiration)
  • Hypotension
  • Urinary retention
  • Skin ulceration
  • Higher levels of sedation
  • Increased digestive activity
  • Gangrene
  • Necrosis (death of living flesh surrounding the entry-point)
  • Pneumonia
  • Meningitis
  • Blood infection (septicemia)
  • Necrosis (death of living tissue).


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Legal status of Krokodil

In the United States, the drug krokodil or desomorphine is a Narcotic in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act 1970 as drug number  9055. It is, therefore, illegal to possess, manufacture or sell krokodil in the US and controlled internationally under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961. This includes the Russian federation which recently introduced a ban on the over-the-counter sale of codeine which is one of the main ingredients used in the manufacture of krokodil.

krokodile rehab

Krokodil Rehab

Addiction to krokodil like many other substance disorders has become a public health challenge because the short time effects of krokodil cause addicts to be trapped full time in cooking and injecting the liquid, in order to satisfy their addiction and avoid withdrawal symptoms of krokodil. Once addicted to krokodil, it is very common for individuals to die within two-three years from the effects of heavy use of krokodil and its associated health issues, with many dying within a year.

Krokodil rehab is the medical and, or psychotherapeutic treatment for dependency on krokodil. It is a process used to help an addict recover from addiction to krokodil, injuries, and associated mental and physical challenges. Addiction to krokodil significantly affects a person’s behavior which has the potential to adversely affect family, relationships, and jobs. The principal aim of krokodil rehab is to help the addict recover from the emotional, psychological, and physical trauma inflicted by the drug krokodil, assist them to regain their normal life, and reintegrate them into society. Read What are SMART recovery meetings like

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 How to Recover from Krokodil Addiction

You don’t recover from krokodil addiction by simply stopping the use, you recover by creating a new life where it is easier to not use the drug. If you don’t create a new life, then all the factors and situations that initially brought you to your addiction will eventually catch up with you again. In order to achieve recovery, you must:

Avoid High-Risk Situations –  Stay away from people with who you use the drug, or who are related to your use of the drug. People who you have conflicts with, who make you want to use, and people who celebrate you while using the drug.


Learn to Relax-  Learn how to relax your tension without the influence of a drug by using simple techniques such as going for a walk, to more structured techniques like meditation. These relaxation methods have been proven to change the lives of many addicts and helped them recover from addiction.

Manage Stress Properly- Learning how to effectively manage stress is very vital for addiction recovery. Stress management is very significant because when you are tense, you tend to do what is familiar and wrong instead of what is s new and right. This often leads to relapse into old habits which ultimately promotes addiction.

Be Honest- Lies and addiction often go together, because most have to lie about getting drugs, using them, and hiding their physical and health consequences. By the time addiction has fully developed, lying has fully become part of life. In order for recovery to be successful, individuals must learn to be honest about what they truly want from life, or else they might end up like the many who have paid the ultimate price of substance abuse with their lives.

“The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics are wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope.”
― Russell Brand

Public Health Ng

Public Health Nigeria an Interdisciplinary public health movement focused on health education, advancing fair public health policies, promoting fitness, healthy diets, responsible behavior, community health and general well-being.

Public Health Ng
Public Health Nigeria an Interdisciplinary public health movement focused on health education, advancing fair public health policies, promoting fitness, healthy diets, responsible behavior, community health and general well-being.

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