andrea hair growth essence fake

Counterfeit cosmetics are a real risk to your health. Illegality aside, fake hair products pose risks to your scalp and hair that you’re best off not taking. When we think of counterfeit beauty products, it is easy to write them off as something you have only come across in slightly dodgy or online makeup stalls but that’s not true most stalls these days are packed with counterfeit Andrea hair growth essence. Consumers are reporting a number of symptoms from using counterfeit cosmetics, including eye infections, allergic reactions, skin rashes, swollen lips and chemical burns. In worst cases, the toxic ingredients in many fake makeup products have caused long-term health problems such as high blood pressure and infertility.

Being an organic hair growth essence, an original Andrea hair growth essence is safe and natural. When you rub it on your scalp, it works for detoxifying your blood and exfoliating the scalp’s pores. While removing the toxins from your scalp and healing your hair follicles, it not only does a favor for maintaining your hair health but also boost your confidence as well. However, most fake version of this product do not contain the right blend of ingredients but they are also made from Castor oil. An Original hair essence should be able to achieve the following in a very short period:


Prevent Premature Greying

Premature greying of hair, also known as canities, can have negative effects on appearance, confidence, self-esteem, and social acceptance of the affected individual. Hair is said to have greyed prematurely if it occurs before the age of 20 years in Whites, before 25 years in Asians, and before 30 years in Africans. Coloring of hair is one solution but that has its own downside. It gives way to hair fall and frizzy hair. So, you are making your hair suffer more and increasing your hair problems when trying to deal with one. Andrea hair growth essence helps in restricting the greying of hair.


Prevent Hair Loss

According to the American Academy of Dermatologists, it’s normal to lose anywhere from 50 to 100 strands of hair per day.  Since there are 100,000 hair follicles or more on each person’s scalp, the loss of 100 or so hair strands a day doesn’t make a big difference in appearance. However those with few hairs on their head find themselves different from the group. An original bottle of Andrea hair growth essence prevents  hair loss and solves  this problem without glitch.


Prevent Dandruff

Dandruff is a condition of the scalp that causes flakes of skin to appear. It is often accompanied by itching. The exact cause is unknown, but various factors increase the risk. It is not related to poor hygiene, but it may be more visible if a person does not wash or brush their hair often. Oily hair are susceptible to dandruff. How much you try to avoid them, they find it cozy sleeping on your scalp. But, an original Andrea hair growth essence can help get rid of these itchy mischiefs and will provide a clean and dandruff soothe scalp.


andrea hair growth essence fake

How To Spot Fake Andrea Hair Growth Essence

Keep Your Eye On The Price

Of course, you should always buy your products from one of the brand’s licensed retailers, but we admit a good sale is pretty hard for us to resist. If the sale is a little too good to be true, however, it probably is. Most brands will regulate pricing on their products. If you buy something online at a fraction of the retail price, and there seems to be an awful lot available to buy, that should ring alarm bells.

Also See How to Regrow Hair on Bald Head

Difference in Packaging and fonts

You will notice that designer companies always have consistency when it comes to their fonts. This is because they have patented fonts which are not accessible to other companies. Hence, an original Andrea hair growth essence will always have a different font when compared to the fake. Often the difference in fonts are clearly visible, the original is darker, bolder and more cursive. Low-quality plastics, faded colors, ill-fitting mirrors etc. are clear indicators of the product being a sham. In some cases, the names of the products aren’t even spelled correctly! So, keep an eye out for all of these before you buy them. However, counterfeiters of late are now using technology to produce a distinct copy of the original making it more difficult to spot a fake. READ: How To Spot Fake surgical Instruments and Medical devices


Pay attention to the smell and consistency

Authentic Andrea hair growth essence shouldn’t have any kind of strange substances or inappropriate sparkles in them. If the product has a bad odor or is heavily perfumed, then it’s not authentic. An original Andrea hair growth essence smells like ginger & perfume.


Steps On How To Use Andrea Hair Growth Essence

You can find the instruction with the product, although most of the information on the bottle are written in the Chinese language. Here is what you would require doing when you get your first bottle for making your hair breathe once again.


  1. You need to mix the essence with your regular shampoo. Take 3-4 drops and mix with the amount of shampoo you apply on your scalp. Or, you can mix evenly 3ml of Andrea hair growth essence with 100 ml of shampoo.


  1. Now, shampoo your hair using your palms and fingers and massage the scalp for 3-4 minutes. Use warm water for foaming your hair.


  1. Make sure you apply the essence about 3-4 inches down from your hair line at the top of your head. Run the essence through your hair with your fingers, combing it through to the bottom. If you have dry or split ends, focus on the bottoms of your hair. Rub your hands together at your hair ends, and thoroughly coat them.


  1. Finally, wash the hair with warm water and make sure that the essence and shampoo is completely washed away from the scalp. If the hair problems are severe, you can use this essence every day.


Ingredients In Andrea Hair Growth Essence

The product contains ginger, ginseng, loca festival, fleece-flower root, grape and seed oil. See: Irish Moss Benefits For Hair




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