Download WFP Food and Nutrition Handbook Free
The World Food Programme (WFP) is the food-assistance branch of the United Nations and the world’s largest humanitarian organization addressing hunger and promoting food security. WFP’s nutrition response is based on a thorough understanding of the nutrition situation, in order to deliver the most appropriate response. This entails identifying who is suffering from undernutrition, what type of undernutrition, when undernutrition is occurring, where undernutrition is occurring, and why undernutrition is occurring. This also entails understanding the nutrient gap and access to nutrients. WFP uses an expanded version of the UNICEF conceptual framework on the causes of malnutrition to guide information gathering, to facilitate identification of possible causes of the nutrition situation, to understand the relationship between immediate and underlying causes of malnutrition as well as basic determinants, and to design the most appropriate responses. There a two WFP Food Nutrition Handbooks both of which you can download freely on this site:
WFP-Food-and-Nutrition-Handbook-OriginalClick On This Link To Download: WFP Food and Nutrition Handbook Original
You Can Also Download: WFP Nutrition Specific Intervention Handbook
Documents Credit: World Food Program [WFP]