Baby Contracted Herpes After Being Kissed By A Visitor

The baby pictured above contracted herpes after being kissed by a visitor according to First Doctor. This explains why healthcare experts and pediatricians advise first-time parents of newborns to exercise caution when it comes to letting people kiss their baby on the lips or face, even if it’s just a peck.

The reasoning behind this precaution is based on the vulnerability of a baby’s immune system during the early stages of life.

  1. Delicate immune system: A newborn’s immune system is still developing and is not as strong as that of adults. This makes them more susceptible to infections and illnesses.
  2. Herpes risk: One of the primary concerns is the risk of herpes transmission. Herpes is a viral infection that can be contracted through direct contact with cold sores or oral herpes lesions. Babies can be infected with the herpes virus through a simple kiss, even if there are no visible symptoms on the kisser’s lips.
  3. Asymptomatic carriers: It’s important to note that some people can carry the herpes virus without showing any symptoms. These individuals, known as asymptomatic carriers, may unknowingly spread the virus to others, including newborns.
  4. Other infections: Aside from herpes, there are various other infections and illnesses that can be transmitted through close contact and kissing. These can range from the common cold and flu to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other contagious diseases.
  5. Hand hygiene: In addition to discouraging kissing on the lips or face, it’s crucial for everyone handling the baby to maintain good hand hygiene. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and water or using hand sanitizer before touching the baby can help reduce the risk of infection.
  6. Boundaries and communication: As a new parent, it’s essential to set boundaries politely with family and friends to ensure they understand your wishes for the baby’s health and safety. Educating others about the reasons behind these precautions can foster a supportive environment.
  7. Love and affection: While avoiding lip and face kisses, it’s important to remember that there are plenty of other ways to show love and affection to the baby. Gentle touches, cuddles, and hugs are all safe ways to bond with the newborn.


Ultimately, taking these precautions helps protect the health and well-being of the baby during their vulnerable stage of development. As the baby grows and their immune system becomes stronger, the risk of infections will naturally decrease. Until then, being cautious and prioritizing the baby’s health is of utmost importance for new parents.


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