National Guidelines For Hiv Treatment In Nigeria

These guidelines for the prevention, treatment, and care of HIV infection provide the guidance that health workers in HIV treatment centers in Nigeria require to deliver a comprehensive package of high-quality HIV prevention, treatment, and care interventions that cater to the needs of persons living with HIV and of individuals exposed to a high risk of acquiring HIV infection. Beyond the individual patient, these guidelines will serve as launch pad for the attainment of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets. The key recommendations of these guidelines include the initiation of ART in all persons testing positive for HIV including children, adolescents, adults, pregnant and breastfeeding women, regardless of clinical and immunological stages of the disease. SEE: States With Highest HIV Rate In Nigeria 2020/2021

Other recommendations cover the retesting of patients prior to initiation of ART, adopting of pre-exposure prophylaxis for individuals at high risk of acquiring the infection and addition of Dolutegravir, Efavirenz 400 mg and Darunavir/ritonavir to the pool of approved antiretroviral drugs. The guidelines are the product of extensive cross-sectoral collaboration involving government, bilateral and multilateral organizations, civil society, and academia. I am optimistic that proper deployment and application of its recommendations will bring about a marked improvement in the way HIV infection and treatment  is managed in Nigeria. Click Here to download: National Guidelines For Hiv Treatment In Nigeria

National Guidelines For Hiv Treatment In Nigeria

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