How Physical Activity Can Help Get Rid of Constipation
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People of all ages frequently struggle with constipation, which is a common digestive disorder. It’s not always pleasant, and it’s not always convenient, and it can even be upsetting at times. Although dietary considerations and enough hydration play a key part in the maintenance of regular bowel movements, the influence of physical exercise on gastrointestinal health is not something that should be overlooked.

In this article, we will investigate the relationship between physical activity and the alleviation of constipation, providing light on how maintaining an active lifestyle can help to improve digestive health and general well-being.

It is necessary to have a fundamental comprehension of the condition known as constipation before digging into the connection between physical activity and the alleviation of constipation. Infrequent bowel motions, trouble passing stool, or experiencing stools that are firm and dry are all symptoms that can be associated with constipation.

It is possible for this condition to be accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, and an overall sense of having incomplete evacuation.  Constipation can be caused by a number of things, such as a deficiency in dietary fiber, inadequate fluid intake, the use of certain drugs, and a variety of medical disorders. Alterations in lifestyle, such as a sedentary way of life or lack of exercise, can also play a significant influence.

How Physical Activity Can Help Get Rid of Constipation
Photo Credit: Pixbay

The ways that exercise can affect constipation

Exercise, in any of its myriad forms, has the potential to influence digestive health significantly and can be an effective means of relieving constipation. Does being constipated make you gain weight? is a frequently asked question. The following are some of the ways that regular physical activity can help you have more regular bowel movements: 

  • Improved gastrointestinal motility: Your intestines are included among the muscles in your belly that are stimulated when you exercise. The increased muscular activity, which is referred to as gut motility, assists in the movement of stool through the digestive tract in a more effective manner. Constipation can be avoided, and regular bowel movements can be encouraged by participating in physical activity on a regular basis.
  • An increase in the circulation of blood: Blood flow is increased throughout the body when there is physical activity, and this includes the digestive organs. This enhanced circulation has the potential to improve the effectiveness of the digestive process, which in turn enables higher nutritional absorption and more efficient waste disposal.
  • Methods for Reducing Stress: Constipation and other digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, have been linked to high levels of stress. Endorphins are natural feel-good chemicals, and the release of these chemicals during physical activity is one of the mechanisms that makes exercise such an effective stress reliever. Exercising can help treat constipation in a roundabout way since it lowers stress levels.
  •  The Promotion of Hydration: Participating in physical activity typically results in an increase in the amount of water consumed, particularly if you are conscious of the need to remain hydrated while you are working out. Maintaining an adequate level of hydration is essential for facilitating the passage of stool by making it more pliable.
  • Maintaining a Healthy Weight: Regular exercise is one of the best ways for individuals to keep their body weight at a healthy level. It is possible that being overweight or obese is a risk factor for constipation. Shedding extra pounds through physical activity and maintaining a healthy diet may be able to assist in alleviating this problem.
  • Increasing Strength in the Core Muscles: Strengthening the abdominal muscles can be accomplished through the performance of certain exercises, such as those that focus on the core muscles. Having a solid core can make it easier to have bowel movements that are both effective and efficient.

Examples of the kinds of exercises that can help relieve constipation

Some exercises are more successful than others when it comes to targeting the digestive system. However, participating in any sort of physical activity can help improve general health and may even relieve symptoms of constipation. Consider some of the following forms of physical activity:

Exercise helps relieve constipation and improve gastrointestinal health. Many workouts can help ease constipation and improve bowel motions. Aerobic exercises are the core of active constipation treatment. Brisk walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming improve gastrointestinal motility. Most days should include 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, according to experts. These activities improve cardiovascular fitness and abdominal muscles, which help stool pass through your digestive tract.

Yoga is known for its comprehensive advantages, including digestion. Certain yoga asanas can help relieve constipation. The “wind-relieving pose” (Pavanamuktasana) stands out. Gentle abdominal compression can massage and stimulate digestive organs, relieving gas, bloating, and constipation.

Core workouts are indicated for strengthening gut muscles. Planks, leg lifts, and pelvic floor workouts target gut muscles. Thus, these workouts improve constipation relief by improving movement efficiency.

Diaphragmatic breathing is another way to promote regular bowel motions. Deep breathing techniques can relieve gut tension and discomfort by relaxing abdominal muscles. Relaxation helps bowel movements flow more easily.

Finally, modest stretching exercises, especially abdominal ones, are powerful. These stretches can reduce stomach tension and improve bowel motions.

These exercises might improve digestive health and reduce constipation by adding them to your workout. There are several ways to exercise, including jogging, cycling, yoga, core-strengthening exercises, deep breathing, and mild stretches. Be consistent in your workout routine to get the full advantages, and visit a doctor if you have any worries or medical conditions.


Tips that can help relieve constipation

If you are interested in using exercise as a method for relieving constipation, the following are a few useful pointers to keep in mind:

  • Always Remain Consistent: When it comes to the effects of exercise on digestive health, consistency is of the utmost importance. Include some form of physical activity in your daily routine if you want to reap the long-term benefits of doing so.
  • Hydrate Adequately: Before, During, and After Your Workouts Make sure you drink enough water before, during, and after your workouts to prevent dehydration, which can make constipation worse.
  • Listen to Your Body: It is important to pay attention to the messages that are being sent out by your body. Talk to a medical expert if you’re experiencing any kind of pain or discomfort when you’re working out, especially if you’re just starting out in the world of fitness.
  • The Warm-Up and the Cool-Down: Always make sure to warm up before beginning an exercise and then cool down afterward to prevent straining your muscles and becoming injured.
  • Combine Physical Activity with a Well-Rounded Diet: Although physical activity may be helpful in relieving constipation, maintaining a healthy digestive system requires a diet that is both well-balanced and high in fiber and other nutrients.
  • Seek the Advice of a Qualified Healthcare Professional: Before beginning a new exercise routine, you should discuss your health with a qualified medical practitioner if you have a history of chronic constipation or if you have any other underlying medical concerns.



Constipation is a problem that can be irritating and uncomfortable, but there is a correlation between regular physical activity and relief from constipation, and this correlation offers a promising path for improved digestive health. 

In addition to a healthy diet and adequate hydration, engaging in consistent physical activity may help facilitate more regular bowel movements, reduce feelings of pain, and contribute to an overall improvement in one’s sense of well-being. 

Whether it’s aerobic activities, yoga, core-strengthening exercises, or a combination of these, choosing an exercise regimen that works for you can help you stay active, keep your health in check, and rid yourself of the misery of constipation. It is important to keep in mind that if you have any concerns or underlying health conditions that may require individualized guidance, you should speak with a healthcare provider.

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