How Much Is An Abortion

An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It’s also sometimes known as a termination of pregnancy. The pregnancy is ended either by taking medicines or having a surgical procedure.

The surgical procedure is done in clinics or hospitals. If you’re in your first trimester, you’ll likely have a vacuum aspiration. If you’re in your second trimester (meaning that it’s been more than 13 weeks since your last menstrual period), you’ll likely have a dilation and evacuation, or D&E. If you’re further along than that, you might have a dilation and extraction, or D&X.

Almost all abortion procedures are out-patient, which means you won’t have to stay overnight in the doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital afterward.


How to get an abortion

There are 3 main ways to get an abortion in most countries:

  • you can self-refer by contacting an abortion provider directly
  • speak to a GP and ask for a referral to an abortion service
  • contact a sexual health clinic (sometimes called family planning or GUM (genitourinary medicine) clinics) and ask for a referral to an abortion service

Waiting times can vary, but you should not have to wait more than 2 weeks from when you (or a doctor) first contact an abortion provider to having an abortion.


Women & Access To Abortion

According to the World Health Organization, three out of ten of all pregnancies end in induced abortion. Nearly half of all abortions are unsafe, and almost all of these unsafe abortions take place in developing countries where abortions remain largely illegal.

Abortions are safe when they are carried out with a method that is recommended by WHO and that is appropriate to the pregnancy duration, and when the person carrying out the abortion has the necessary skills. Such abortions can be done using tablets (medical abortion) or a simple outpatient procedure.

When women with unwanted pregnancies do not have access to safe abortion, they often resort to unsafe abortion. An abortion is unsafe when it is carried out either by a person lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to minimal medical standards, or both. Characteristics of an unsafe abortion touch upon inappropriate circumstances before, during or after an abortion.

Unsafe abortion can lead to immediate health risks – including death – as well as long-term complications, affecting women’s physical and mental health and well-being throughout her life-course. It also has financial implications for women and communities.

How much does an abortion cost in the UK?

The cost of an abortion in England depends on your gestation, medical history and personal preference. The exact gestation will be determined by registered nurses on the day of your appointment at one of our centers by way of an ultrasound scan.

According to Marie Stopes, the cost of abortion in the United Kingdom is as follows:

Abortion Treatment Type Medical Assessment* Treatment Price Total Cost
Medical abortion (abortion pill(s))

Up to 9 weeks + 3 days

€70 | £65 €400 | £350 €470 | £415
Surgical abortion before 14 weeks

with local anaesthetic

€70 | £65 €500 | £435 €570 | £500
Surgical abortion before 14 weeks

with sedation

€70 | £65 €540 | £480 €610 | £545
Surgical abortion before 14 weeks

with general anaesthetic

€70 | £65 €600 | £525 €670 | £590
Surgical abortion between 14 and 19 weeks

with general anaesthetic

 €70 | £65  €745 | £650 €815 | £715
Surgical abortion after 19 weeks

with general anaesthetic

 €70 | £65  €1485 | £1300 €1555 | £1365


How Much Will An Abortion Cost in Australia?

According to Children by Choice, the cost of a termination will depend on whether you are accessing services publicly or privately, accessing a medication abortion or a surgical abortion, on your location, and on the gestation of the pregnancy.

In Australia, medication abortion is available to nine weeks gestation. After this point, surgical abortion is your only option. Prices for surgical abortion start to rise at most private clinics once the pregnancy reaches 11 or 12 weeks gestation, with steep increases from 14 weeks onwards. For this reason, it’s vital to recognize that abortion is a time-sensitive decision. Public services will provide termination of pregnancy services free of charge in some locations.

Medication Abortion in Australia: Medication abortion through a GP may be free if they are bulk billing or have a partnership with the local hospital. If this is not the case, the approximate costs is $350-$580 upfront. Women may then be eligible for a partial Medicare rebate for the consultations. The cost of the medication itself is extra to this (between $12 and $50 depending on whether you have a Health Care Card).

Surgical Abortion: Surgical abortion can be performed at public hospitals across the country. This service is also provided through some private clinics. Cost ranges from $350 for up to 11-12 weeks pregnancy to as much as $3065 for the termination of a 19 week old pregnancy depending on the location.


How much is an abortion in the Unites States?

Medication Abortion in the US: For those interested in medical abortion in the United States, Abortion pill costs approximately $300 to $1,500.

Surgical Abortion in the US: The Vacuum Aspiration, Dilation and Suction Curettage, and Dilation and Evacuation costs approximately $300 to $2,300 in the United states. Factors such as which state you live in, whether you have insurance, or which procedure and how far along you are determine your charge.

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