Injuries After A Car Accident

After a car accident, if you do not have any obvious injuries such as broken bones or burns, you may believe that you are safe and forgo a medical checkup. If that is the case, car accident lawyers Hipskind & McAninch want to remind you that there is nothing more important than your health and that making sure you have no injuries after a car accident should be your priority. Also, your insurance company may penalize you if you don’t have a medical professional examine you to confirm that everything is fine. The fact that internal injuries cannot be detected by plain sight does not mean that they are not dangerous or that they do not require immediate medical attention.

How are internal injuries discovered?

The possibility of having suffered an internal injury is not something that you can check with a visual examination. On the contrary, internal injuries represent a catastrophic danger to those who experience them since they may quickly transform into something much more serious without realizing it.

Your medical professional can diagnose an internal injury through several methods such as blood work, CT scans, X-rays, MRIs, angiographies, and a careful examination of your body.


What symptoms do internal injuries produce?

It is important to know what symptoms to look for in injuries that may have been caused by your body being impacted in a car crash. Things to be on the lookout for include:


Pain or tenderness in your abdominal area or chest after being in a car accident can signal an injury to an internal organ. Even if symptoms are not severe, seek immediate medical attention. You may have internal bleeding that can lead to more severe problems if left untreated.


Nausea and vomiting may be clear signs that there is something wrong within you. Things are even more worrisome if you notice blood whenever you throw up. Seek medical attention right away.


Noticing purple skin in different areas of the body is not something you should take lightly. A bruise that develops in these circumstances is much more serious than one that you get from a minor accident. This one can be an indication of something wrong inside your body.

Signs of Shock

If your body goes into shock, it may be not only because of what you just experienced but also because you have internal bleeding or other damage. You may be feeling weak, lethargic, lightheaded, or have a rapid heart rate. Go to your doctor and get these symptoms checked out.


What are the most common types of internal injuries after a car accident?

After having your body slam against the dashboard, steering wheel, or window, having an airbag deploy in your face, or being hit by debris in your car, it is not surprising that the list of possible internal injuries after a car crash is quite extensive. Some of the most common examples of internal injuries are:


  • Broken ribs that may pierce a lung.
  • A collapsed lung causes air to escape and fill the chest cavity, which causes pain and breathing issues.
  • Damage to organs such as the liver, kidneys, stomach, or intestines leading to pain and blood loss.
  • A ruptured spleen may require immediate surgery to repair or remove it.
  • Injuries to the brain may prevent oxygen from reaching it and cause long-term or permanent effects.
  • Internal bleeding, which may manifest as tiredness, lightheadedness, feeling fatigued or cold, being thirsty, or having a pale complexion and may be the result of blunt or penetrating trauma.


Seeking Compensation For Internal Injuries After a Car Accident

If your doctor discovers that you have internal injuries after you receive a thorough medical checkup after being in a car accident, you may want to seek compensation from the driver at fault for your injuries.

An experienced car accident attorney can help you build a strong case by gathering evidence and putting together a list of your medical expenses, including doctor’s visits, medical treatments, surgical costs, prescription medications, rehabilitation, and any other expenses associated with your health. You may also seek compensation for your lost wages during the time you have been unable to work while tending to your injuries. Your lawyer may also help you seek compensation to cover the pain and suffering you have experienced since the accident as well as emotional distress.

If you are thinking of filing a claim against the other driver, you should waste no time in getting the legal help you need since the statute of limitations restricts the time you are allowed to do so. Letting this time expire means you will no longer have a right to claim compensation for the injuries suffered in the accident.


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