Amotivational Syndrome 

Definition: A constellation of features said to be associated with substance use, including apathy, loss of effectiveness, diminished capacity to carryout complex or long-term plans, low tolerance for frustration, impaired concentration, and difficulty in following routines. The existence of this condition is controversial. It has been reported principally in connection with cannabis use, and may […]

Amfetamine Psychosis

Definition: A disorder characterized by paranoid delusions, frequently accompanied by auditory or tactile hallucinations, hyperactivity, and lability of mood, which develops during or shorly after repeated use of moderate or high doses of amfetamines. typically, the individuals behaviour is hostile and irrational, and may result in unprovoked violence. In most cases there is no clouding […]


Definition: (French: alcoolisation) The frequent drinking of substantial amounts of alcoholic beverages, so as to maintain a high blood alcohol level. Also, the process of increasing the frequency of alcohol consumption. The term can be applied either to the individual drinker or to a society as a whole. ” Alcoolisation” was originally used in the […]

Alcoholic Pancreatitis

Definition: A disorder characterized by inflammation and necrosis of the pancreas, often accompanied by fibrosis and malfunction, related to the consumption of hazardous levels of alcohol. Alcoholic pancreatitis may be acute or chronic. The acute form presents with upper abdominal pain, anorexia, and vomiting, and can be complicated by hypotension, renal failure, lung disease, and […]

Alcoholic Jealousy

A type of chronic, alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, characterised by delusions that the marital or sexual partner is unfaithful. The delusion is typically accompanied by intense searching for evidence of infidelity and direct accusations that may lead to violent quarrels. It was formerly regarded as a distinct diagnostic entity, but this status is now controversial. Synonyms: amorous […]

Alcoholic Hepatitis

Definition: A disorder of the liver characterized by liver ce1l necrosis and inflammation following chronic consumption of hazardous levels of alcohol. It is a well documented precursor of alcoholic cirrhosis, particularly in those whose alcohol intake remains high. Although the diagnosis is, strictly speaking, a histological one, it is often made on the basis of […]

Alcoholic Fatty Liver

Definition: Accumulation of fat in the liver following exposure to hazardous levels of alcohol intake, with consequent enlargement of liver cells and sometimes hepatomegaly, abnormal liver function, nonspecific abdominal recurrent pain, anorexia, and-less commonly-jaundice. Definitive diagnosis can be made only on histological examination of the liver, the pancreas (e.g. malabsorptiol Fatty liver may develop after […]

Alcoholic Dementia

Definition: A term of variable usage, most commonly implying a chronic or progressive disorder occurring as a result of harmful drinking, characterized by impairment of multiple higher cortical functions, including memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language, and judgement. Consciousness is not clouded. The cognitive impairments are commonly accompanied by deterioration in emotional control, […]

Jellinek Formula

Jellinek Jellinek formula refers to a method of estimating the number of alcoholics in a population, originally proposed by E. M. Jellinek around 1940 and fully published in 1951*. In its final form, the formula was A = (PD/K)R, where A is the number of alcoholics; D is the number of reported death from ‘cirrhosis in a given year; P, K, and R are assumed to […]

Bad Trip

Definition:In drug users’ jargon, an adverse effect of drug use, consisting of any mixture of the following: feelings of losing control, distortions of body image, bizarre and frightening hallucinations, fears of insanity or death, despair, suicida[ thoughts, and strong negative affect. Physical symptoms may include sweating, palpitations, nausea, and paraesthesias. Although adverse reactions of this […]

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