does fair and white gold 2 bleach

What Determines Skin Color?

Skin color is determined by the amount of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a pigment produced by specialized cells called melanocytes. People with dark skin have more melanin. How much melanin your skin has is mainly a matter of your genetic makeup. Sunlight exposure, hormones, skin damage, and exposure to certain chemicals can also affect melanin production.

Changes in skin color will often resolve themselves. For instance, tans fade when the amount of direct exposure to sunlight is reduced. But over time, certain discolorations, such as “age” spots or “liver” spots, become more or less permanent.


What Is Skin Bleaching?

Skin bleaching is a cosmetic treatment to reduce the prominence of skin discolorations and even out the color of the skin. You can buy bleaching creams over the counter and by prescription. Some people apply skin lightener to their entire body to change their complexion, but this can be very risky. The active ingredient in some skin lighteners is mercury, so bleaching can lead to mercury poisoning. Mercury is a toxic agent that can cause serious psychiatric, neurological, and kidney problems. Pregnant women who use a skin lightener with mercury can pass the mercury to their unborn child. The use of mercury as an ingredient in skin lighteners is banned in the U.S. However, some skin lighteners produced outside the U.S. may still contain mercury.


How Do Skin Lighteners Work?

Skin lighteners contain an active ingredient or a combination of ingredients that reduces the amount of melanin in the skin where it is applied.

does fair and white gold 2 bleach

What is Fair And White Gold 2 ?

Fair And White Gold 2 is a fade cream that smoothes skins texture while aggressively lightening dark spots, leaving skin with a healthy luminous glow. Fair And White Gold Creams are best for dry skin types and will help lightening treatments penetrate more effectively if complexion is nourished and well hydrated.


Does Fair And White Gold 2 Bleach?

Yes, Fair And White Gold 2 does bleach the skin. Skin bleaching is a cosmetic treatment to reduce the prominence of skin discolorations and even out the color of the skin. Some people apply Fair And White Gold 2 to their entire body to change their complexion, but this can be very risky. The active ingredient in some skin lighteners can lead to poisoning.


Does Fair And White Gold 2 Contain Hydroquinone?

Yes, the main ingredients in Fair And White Gold cream are Glycerin and 1.9% Hydroquinone. Hydroquinone decreases the formation of melanin in the skin. Melanin is the pigment in skin that gives it a brown color. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, a major effect of the application of hydroquinone to the skin is the disruption of the more superficial layers of the epidermis. The implications of this disruption are numerous and might include the lesions of the skin, potential fragility of the skin and induced susceptibility to the ultraviolet (UV) rays and other environmental hazards. It is also known that increased UV exposure is a major risk factor for skin cancer.

In addition, reduced superficial protection means increased exposure of the deeper cell layers including the melanocytes to UV radiation. This has serious implications because there are reports that this might increase the risk of skin cancer. Loss of the superficial cells would mean that the treated skin was relatively thinner. This means a significant loss of the protective stratum corneum. This skin layer is very important to skin protection because it is selectively permeable to chemicals and other agents. READ: Does Funbact A Bleach or Lighten The Skin?

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